Open Access Dataset

Teeth Segmentation Dataset

Free Teeth Segmentation Dataset​

Humans in the Loop is excited to publish a new open access dataset for Teeth segmentation on dental radiology scans. The segmentation is done manually by 12 Humans in the Loop trainees in the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of their trainings, using the Panoramic radiography database published by Lopez et al. The dataset consists of 598 images with a total of 15,318 polygons, where each tooth is segmented with a different class.

This Teeth segmentation dataset is dedicated to the public domain by Humans in the Loop under CC0 1.0 license.

annotated teeth segmentation
Annotated teeth segmentation

Dataset size

The dataset includes 598 images.


There are be 32 classes, called 1, 2, 3, 4, etc up to 32. 

Numbering starts with the upper left teeth and continues clockwise to the lower left teeth. Each tooth has a unique number based on its position.

Access the dataset by filling in the form below