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Practical info about ethical data labeling, model validation, and building better datasets

Computer vision & Datasets

CategoriesComputer vision

5 Data Annotation Trends to keep an eye on in 2025

CategoriesComputer vision

AI & Sustainability: Pioneering a Greener Future

The feature image to the blog article Revolutionizing Medical AI The Power of Expert Data Annotation
CategoriesComputer vision

Revolutionizing Medical AI: The Power of Expert Data Annotation

The illustration shows work people and HITL robot on diagnosis and treatment
CategoriesComputer vision

The Synergy of Human-in-the-Loop and Medical AI in Diagnosis and Treatment

Navigating the Landscape of AI Systems with Data Annotation
CategoriesComputer vision

The Role of Human-in-the-Loop: Navigating the Landscape of AI Systems

The Crucial Role of GDPR-Compliant Data Annotation for the Procurement Persona
CategoriesComputer vision

The Crucial Role of GDPR-Compliant Data AI Annotation

Optimizing Active Learning with Human-in-the-Loop: Unveiling the Best Query Strategies in Data Sampling
CategoriesComputer vision

Optimizing Active Learning with Human-in-the-Loop: Unveiling the Best Query Strategies in Data Sampling

Feature image on blog article explaining data annotation to grandmother in simple way
CategoriesComputer vision

Data Annotation Explained to Grandma: Unlocking the Power of Labeled Data in Simple Terms

Feature image in blog article Unraveling Data Edge Cases: Enhancing Fire Monitoring with AI
CategoriesComputer vision

Unraveling Data Edge Cases: Enhancing Fire Monitoring with AI

Feature image in blog article How AI Transforms Smart Cities: Data Annotation’s Role
CategoriesComputer vision

How AI Transforms Smart Cities: Data Annotation’s Role

The image in the blog article related to AI Standard Supervised Learning by Humans in the Loop
CategoriesComputer vision

How do you build Human-in-the-Loop AI pipelines using active learning ?

Feature image in the blog article "25 use cases for computer vision with a human in the loop"
CategoriesComputer vision

25 use cases for computer vision with a human in the loop

The image in the blog article related to a Human in the Loop approach
CategoriesComputer vision

How to build your human-in-the-loop pipeline: a step-by-step guide

Feature image in the blog article "4 things to look for when choosing a human-in-the-loop provider"
CategoriesComputer vision

4 things to look for when choosing a human-in-the-loop provider

Feature image in the blog article "Edge case handling in real time with a human-in-the-loop: why and how?" Unidentified object detected
CategoriesComputer vision

Edge case handling in real time with a human-in-the-loop: why and how?

Diagram Example of a project taxonomy
CategoriesComputer vision

5 ways to avoid bias in computer vision AI

Avoiding bias in computer vision AI
CategoriesComputer vision

HITL releases a whitepaper series on bias in AI

Image shows workflow diagram in HITL
CategoriesComputer vision

What is a Human in the Loop?

bounding box annotation
CategoriesComputer vision

Types of image annotation – the ultimate guide

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Data Annotation Delights: exploring our favorite tools for accurate and efficient annotation

"Tools we love" series